Un terrible demonio se encuentra en los Balcanes, en Rumania. Enterrado desde hace siglos en suelo consagrado, aprisionado por cadenas de plata y por la tierra, el vampiro urde siniestras conspiraciones. Boris Dragosani es utilizado por los servicios secretos rusos como el humano intermediario del vampiro.

Seres enterrados y que piensan...pero cuyos pensamientos sólo pueden expresar a través de Harry Keogh, el necroscopio. Ésa es la facultad de Harry, y también su carga, pues a veces los no-muertos piensan cosas incocebibles. Harry Keogh ha vencido por fin al nigromante y ampiro Boris Dragosani, aliado de la peor facción de la KGB soviética. Pero en la batalla, Harry ha perdido, si no la vida, al menos la corporeidad. Ahora es una mente, o alma, descarnada y prisionera del continuo metafísico de Möbius, por el que deambula comunicándose con vampiros y almas errantes de ese mismo ámbito. En este estado, Harry debe enfrentarse a un nuevo enemigo, Yulian Bodescu, un joven vampiro corrompido que siente una extraña necesidad: descubrir a su verdadero padre y difundir su obra en el extranjero.

La invasión de la Tierra por un ejército de seres monstruosos podría producir espeluznantes reacciones. Sin embargo, sería muchísimo peor si esos invasores fueran, además..., ¡vampiros! El nigromante Harry Keogh ha descubierto que los científicos soviéticos han abierto, sin querer, una puerta hacia la peor de las pesadillas que puede imaginar la humanidad.

En las montañas de los Balcanes se alza el castillo de los Ferenczy, la fortaleza de los wamphyri. En él, Janos Ferenczy, vampiro y hechicero, ha despertado de su sueño de siglos. Para calmar sus deseos de sangre, necesita seres humanos vivos; y con sus terribles armas pretende aplastar a la indefensa humanidad que ha depositado en Harry Keogh sus esperanzas de salvación. Pero Harry ha perdido su facultad de comunicarse con los muertos y los numerosos gritos de advertencia procedentes del más allá caen en el vacío.

El Habitante ha despojado a Harry Keogh de su necrolenguaje. Ya no puede hablar con los muertos y es casi un hombre normal, lo que para él es como sufrir una lobotomía. En su incapacitada mente se encuentran todos los secretos de la Gran Mayoría y las fórmulas matemáticas que rigen el continuo de Möbius. Y ahora, otro monstruoso muerto viviente acecha al mundo y está dispuesto a robarle sus poderes metafísico prohibidos.

As a young man, Harry Keogh discovered that he was a Necroscope--that he could talk to the dead and transport himself instantly to any place in the world. Harry also discovered that vampires stalked the earth, and that they were a thousand times more terrible than anyone ever imagined. Now, Harry finds himself searching for his wife and son, who disappeared in the midst of Harry's war against the undead monsters that plague mankind.

Harry is the Necroscope who can communicate with the dead and is now revitalized in another's body. However, the original Lord of the Wamphyri, who has lain preserved in resin for six centuries, believes Harry is the man in whom he will rise up again. The climax to the Necroscope series.

In this first new "Necroscope" novel in two years, three great vampires invade the Earth after the Necroscope is gone. As psychic members of the new E-Branch move swiftly against the infestation, a new Necroscope emerges and must learn how to control his powers and speak to the dead.

The second instalment of Brian Lumley's "Necroscope" trilogy. Earth is under attack and the true heir to Harry Keogh (the World's saviour) is known. But Jake Cutter is a reluctant hero. He's out for revenge on some very personal enemies, and the fate of the living world hangs in the balance.

The three 'WAMPYRHI' lords are finally on the run. Malinari, Szwart and Vavara have been driven from their respective lairs by E-Branch and Jake Cutter. But this final chapter swiftly becomes the most dangerous, as the undead creatures decide to put aside their differences and join forces against their tormentors. Worse still, the dark side of Jake's 'gift' is swiftly becoming apparent - for it seems that the same talent that allows him to beat the vampires may also be turning him into one himself! In what could possibly be the final Necroscope novel ever, the fate of humanity once again hangs in the balance...

Harry Keogh: Necroscope and Other Weird Heroes! collects eight long tales of four of Lumley's most popular creations: Titus Crow; David Hero and his companion Eldin the Wanderer; and the original Necroscope himself, Harry Keogh, who is featured in three completely new stories, one of them a short novel. The other stories in this collection have previously only been published in the United Kingdom." "Titus Crow: Psychic detective, master magician, destroyer of the ancient Cthulhian gods. In "Inception," we see the infant Titus at the moment his destiny falls upon him. In "Lord of the Worms," a simple secretarial job lands Crow on a sacrifical altar. And in "Name and Number," Henri Laurent de Marigny details a battle between Titus Crow and malevolent, occult winds that can rip living flesh from bone." "David Hero and Eldin the Wanderer: once men of the waking world, now agents for King Kuranes of the Dreamlands. Sips of "The Weird Wines of Naxas Niss" send the pair on a tumultuous journey from a buxom beauty's bed to the depths of a wizard's dungeon. Then, seeking his missing friend, David Hero boards an ill-fated airship that is home to "The Stealer of Dreams."" Harry Keogh, Necroscope: vampire killer without peer, capable of conversing with the dead. A sudden windfall brings Harry to Las Vegas, where he meets "Dead Eddy," a gambler who can't resist the temptation of one last big win - from beyond the grave! In "Dinosaur Dreams," Harry's interest in fossils leads him to uncover the truth behind the death of a young amateur paleontologist...and to discover that it's not just dead people he can call on in a crisis. Harry's undying love for his mother leads him down a dangerous path in "Resurrection."

To test of the power of God, an insane triad of malevolent aliens decides to become so evil that God himself will have to stop them. They have already destroyed their homeworld, an entire solar system, and most of their own race. Their next target: Earth!In addition to advanced science mankind can only dream of, the Mordri Three have the unique ability to forever alter skin, bone, and muscle with a simple touch. Once this powerful touch was used only for healing, but the Mordri Three use it as a weapon, literally turning people inside out, mutating them in front of their horrified loved ones, or seeding them with cancer.Scott St. John is mourning the painful death of his beloved wife when he is struck by a golden arrow of light—a fragment of the soul of Harry Keogh, the original Necroscope—and gains powers he does not understand. Soon after, a mysterious, beautiful woman begins appearing everywhere he goes. She warns him to keep silent—about what, he does not know—and keeps trying to tell him something critically important, but each time, she vanishes before she can fully explain. And Scott begins to dream of a very unusual Wolf, who begs Scott—in human speech—to rescue him before the hunters come. A fledgling Necroscope, a telepathic Wolf, a beautiful woman from beyond the stars, the ghost of Harry Keogh, the best of E-Branch's psychic fighting forces, and a dead girl who is not yet ready to seek her just reward must defeat three impossibly strong, psychically gifted monsters whose touch literally melts flesh from bone.

pte. de resumen
se publicara en el 2009
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