Cassandra Palmer puede ver el futuro y comunicarse con los espíritus, dones que la hacen atractiva para los muertos y no-muertos. Los fantasmas de los muertos no son generalmente peligrosos; tan sólo quieren hablar… mucho. Los no-muertos son otra historia. Como chica sensata que es, Cassie intenta evitar a los vampiros. Pero cuando el mafioso chupasangre del que escapó tres años atrás la busca de nuevo con intención de vengarse, no le queda más remedio que acudir al Senado en busca de protección. Los senadores no-muertos no van a ayudarla bajo ningún concepto y Cassie se ve trabajando con uno de sus miembros más poderosos, un maestro vampiro, peligrosamente seductor, que exige un precio mucho mayor de lo que Cassie está dispuesta a pagar…

Clairvoyant Cassie Plamer has inherited new magical powers-including the ability to travel through time. But it's a whole lot of responsibility she'd rather not have. Now she's the most popular girl in town, as an assortment of vamps, fey, and mages try to convince, force, or seduce her-and her magic-over to their side. But one particular master vampire didn't ask what Cassie wanted before putting a claim on her. He had a spell cast that binds her to him, and now she doesn't know if what she feels for him is real-or imagined...

Cassandra Palmer may be the world's chief clairvoyant, but she's still magically bound to a master vampire. Only an ancient book called the Codex Merlini possesses the incantation to free Cassie-but harnessing its limitless power could endanger the world...

Se publicara en el 2009
Karen Chance - Serie Dorina Basarab, Dhampir

Dorina Basarab is a dhampir - half-human, half-vampire. Unlike most dhampirs, though, Dory has managed to maintain her sanity. Now Dory's vampire father has come to her for help - again. Her Uncle Dracula (yes, the Dracula), cruelest among vampires, has escaped his prison. And her father wants Dory to work with gorgeous master vampire Louis-Cesare to put him back there.Although Dory prefers to work alone, Dracula is the only thing that truly scares her - and when she has to face him, she'll take all the help she can get.
Colleen Gleason - SerieCrónicas Vampíricas Gardella

Tras la deslumbrante sociedad londinense del s. XIX se esconde un sanguinario mal...
Los vampiros siempre han vivido entre ellos, atacando tanto a confiadas debutantes, como a acicalados caballeros, conductores de carruajes, sombrereros, e incluso agentes de Bond Street. Si no fuera por los caza-vampiros de la familia Gardella, estas inmortales criaturas se hubieran apoderado del mundo hace ya tiempo.En cada generación, un Gardella es llamado para asumir el legado de la familia. Y esta vez, la escogida para "portar" la estaca ha sido Victoria Gardella Grantworth... en la víspera de su debut en sociedad. Y mientras empieza a moverse entre los bailes de salón y las peligrosas calles iluminadas por la luna, el corazón de Victoria se debate entre el soltero más cotizado de todo Londres, el Marqués de Rockley, y su enigmático aliado, Sebastian Vioget. Ahora, cuando tiene que enfrentarse con el vampiro más poderoso de toda la historia, Victoria deberá elegir entre el deber... o el amor.

In Italy, a powerful vampire is amassing the power to control the souls of the dead. Lady Victoria Gardella de Lacy-a vampire slayer for just over a year-races across Europe to stop what could be the most deadly army the Gardellas have ever faced. She is accompanied by Sebastian Vioget, a man as tempting as he is untrustworthy. But when Victoria discovers that she has been betrayed by one of her most trusted allies, the truth will challenge all her powers as a Venator-and as a woman.

After narrowly escaping Rome with her mortality, vampire hunter Lady Victoria Gardella Grantworth de Lacey returns to London - where not even sunrise can stop a vampire's carnage. Not only is Victoria unable to detect the vampire with her heightened senses, but she's being framed as the prime suspect behind the killings.Meanwhile, the legacy of a vampire's touch has left his blood boiling in her veins and forces her to fight evil on two fronts - against the new breed of undead threatening London and the darkness within herself..

To gain access to the secrets of a legendary alchemist, Rome's vampires have allied themselves with creatures as evil and bloodthirsty as they are. The new leader of the city's vampire hunters-Lady Victoria Gardella Grantworth de Lacy-reluctantly turns to the enigmatic Sebastian Vioget for help, just as Maximilian Pesaro arrives to aid his fellow slayers, no matter what the sacrifice. Desire puts her at the mercy of Sebastian, while loyalty binds her to Max, but she does not know if she can trust either. Especially when a seductive vampire begins luring her into the shadows...

se publicara en el 2009
Serie Multiautor - Crimson City Serie

Hubo un tiempo en que esta fue la Ciudad de Los Angeles. Pero los ángeles ya no están al mando. Desde los extravagantes gustos de los vampiros del mundo superior, hasta la osada desfachatez de los hombres lobo inferiores, el espectro de la oscuridad vive en cada rincón y la esperanza del paraíso en cada corazón.Todos viven libres con los humanos en una tentativa de paz, pero vivir en Los Angeles es tener esa paz prendida de un hilo.Una mujer lo sabe mejor que nadie... La van a poner a prueba. Va a experimentar la verdadera sed. Va a conseguir el poder que le ha sido negado durante tanto tiempo. Y Fleur Dumont va a conocer al único hombre que la puede comprender: un hombre atormentado que lo ha perdido todo en el camino, incluso todo lo que amaba.La suya es una historia de tantas... Esto es Crimson City, donde el deseo se encuentra mezcla con el peligro tan ciertamente como que las estrellas aparecen por la noche.

Los Angeles is no longer the City of Angels; dark things haunt its streets - dark, restless things. Bodies have been found, and the tentative peace between humans, vampires and werewolves teeters on the brink of collapse. Keeli Maddox needs to know why. If she and her kin are to survive, she must trust a man as different from her as night from day, as tooth from claw. He's a slayer, a betrayer, an enemy. But nobility lurks in dark places, and Keeli herself is no stranger to shadow. As sure as the moon will rise, Michael was meant for her. Life is about to change. Only three things will remain: the color of blood, the hot joy of skin on skin, and the danger in...

Los Angeles. Once, it was the City of Angels. Now, it's Crimson City, whose inhabitants know nothing of Heaven. The tentative peace between the species--werewolf, vampire, human--teeters on the brink of collapse. Sides are being chosen. Yet the peril is greater than any imagine. There is a power here that longs for release, an ancient darkness held captive too long. Below, beneath, beyond, it seethes. And there are those who would see it freed. Mika herself seeks freedom. She's come to Crimson City looking for the key. But that key's keeper is a killer, an outsider, a mercenary with a poisoned past. To her kind, he has meant only death. No matter that Conor McCabe's pale green eyes hold a hint of lust, the glint of a bond never to be broken; the path ahead lies in shadow. In a city like this, death can come by fire or fang, by claw or kiss. And the moment of truth must come...Through a Crimson Veil.

After her daughter is kidnapped, Claudia Donovan must turn to the creatures who now rule Crimson City for help.

Publicado en el 2006

In this exciting conclusion to the Crimson City series, Cydney Brighton, a rogue walking a thin line between heaven and hell, arrives in the City to discover her true nature with the help of a friend--part-man, part-machine--who will do anything to make himself whole.

Some of the best voices in paranormal romance unite in this fascinating collection that centers around Crimson City, a place where vampires, werewolves, demons, and humans attempt to lead a peaceful co-existence, and find a love to last a lifetime.
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